DELAIR UX11 becomes the 1st professional drone with class C6 marking available in Europe for Beyond Visual Line Of Sight (BVLOS) Flights

Published by:DELAIR - Press Release
DELAIR UX11 becomes the 1st professional drone with class C6 marking available in Europe for Beyond Visual Line Of Sight (BVLOS) Flights

The French drone manufacturer DELAIR releases the UX11 with C6 class marking, allowing BVLOSmissions throughout Europe without specific authorization within the framework of the EASA Europeanstandard scenario STS-02. 

DELAIR a pioneering manufacturer in terms of certification and BVLOS flight

10 years ago, the DT18 designed and manufactured by DELAIR, was the first drone in the world to obtain airworthiness certification for BVLOS flights in civil airspace (DGAC S4 Scenarios in France). With the C6 marking of the UX11 drone, DELAIR is once again a pioneer in BVLOS flights, at the forefront of technology and European regulation, for the benefit of its customers.

A new UX11 version with extended endurance and retrofit options for older versions

Carried in a backpack, with a deployment time under 5 minutes, hand launched, the UX11 weighs 1.4 kgwith its payload and lands almost vertically anywhere thanks to its patented BTOL (Bird like Take-Off andLanding) technology. UX11 is extremely reliable, simple, and has already flown several hundred thousandof kilometers BVLOS all over the world. In addition with the C6 marking, the new UX11 offers improvedautonomy (1h20 of endurance) to carry out even - longer range missions. DELAIR also provides to its current customers an upgrading option of their actual UX11 via a retrofit toadapt the new requirements and affix the C6 marking.

Simplified regulatory flight conditions opening up new uses for UX11 operators

Since January 1st 2021, professional drones are subject to harmonized european regulations developedby the EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) which defines the authorized uses according to the classof the device (class C0 to C6). The UX11 is the first C6 class drone available in Europe. UX11 operators willnow be able to fly in a standard European scenario (called STS-02) without the need to first obtain anoperating permit. They will be able to operate in a simpler and more efficient way. The UX11 isparticularly suitable for linear inspection, safety and topography operations. “With this C6 marking, DELAIR becomes the benchmark BVLOS drone manufacturer in Europe. Thismarking will allow us to address the entire European market. In the power line inspection market forexample, our solution benefits from the experience of 10 years of successful operations in France, bothon the acquisition and the processing of the data. Drones are much more frugal in terms of energyconsumption and carbon emissions than traditional means such as helicopters. We are proud to provideour customers and their operators a reliable, rugged drone and, from now on, adapted to the latestEuropean regulations » concludes Bastien MANCINI, DELAIR CEO.


Founded in 2011 in Toulouse, DELAIR designs and manufactures aerial observation vehicles for industrialand security/defense applications. Established in more than 70 countries with thousands of drones inoperation, the company aims to be the European leader in professional drones by 2030. With 60employees, the company has achieved a nearly 7 million euros turnover in 2021 for a 1.5 million eurosprofit.

Press contact : Stéphane DOUCE - - 06 08 90 19 35

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